Median Xl Challenge 0
The kids were just as talented as the adults often are, and also turned out to be a lot less mean to each other.All the teens, whose ages ranged from 14 to 17, managed to create some stunning works of art we couldn't even dream of coming up with, but we aren't jealous. Not even a little bit. Project Runway: Junior has its first ever winner!Congratulations to 14 year-old Maya, who also happened to be the youngest designer who competed this season!Her collection, which was inspired by 'a female warrior in a field of flowers' managed to wow both the judges and us, even after all those years of watching Project Runway have made us total fashion experts. Project runway junior maya clothes. (LOL)We were a little dubious of a kid version of our favorite reality competition, but that turned out to be a whole lot of fun.

Stuck at hell difficulty act 2 boss. Ran the cow level and some challenge dungeons so far for all the bonus inventory items. Looking to make a better build but not sure what route to go. Please link any powerful builds I should try.
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